Use cases for early investors

Worst-case scenario Volume of 100k (0.05%)

For an investment of $500 every day, it will take 300 days to receive 50% of the principal and 600 days to receive 100% of the principal.

Ideal Scenario $1,000,000 (0.05%)

If investors contribute $5,000 per day, it will take them 30 days to receive 50% of their principal, and 60 days to receive 100%.

Best scenario $10,000,000 (0.05%)

$50,000/day, investors will need to wait 3 days to receive 50% of their principal, and 6 days to receive 100% of their principal.

Based on Dex volume

So lets say if the volume is $1m/day Fee collected from dex is $25k In which 0.20% that is $20k inject into farms reward As WETH And Oscar reward based on 85% of total oscar token supply Total supply is 50 million oscars 85% of 50 million is 42.5m oscar tokens These 42.5m oscar token reserved for 5 year So total emission of oscar reward on daily basis is 29513 oscar token Calculation as: 42,500,000/1440(5 years) = 29513

Last updated