Single Yield Staking For Verified Profit Returns: Guide

Welcome to the Oscarswap guide on staking OSCAR for real yield using a single-sided approach. This tutorial will cover the various options that stakers have for earning their fair share of 100% of the fees generated by the platform. We will also discuss the potential yields, how to add to your staked position, and how you can earn USDC, WETH, and WBTC by staking OSCAR.

Oscar Protocol FEE

Oscarswap generates significant revenue from swap transactions, LP deposits, and staking deposits. Unlike other DEXes that keep these fees for their development team, Oscarswap pays out all of its fees to stakers in liquid, blue-chip tokens, such as USDC, WETH, and WBTC.

Staking for Newbies: How to Get Started:

If you're new to staking, you'll have two options: "earn Oscar" and "flexible Oscar" staker. The Earn Oscar option provides stakers with higher annual percentage yields (APYs) than Flexible Oscar staker, but requires a longer lockup period ranging from 1 week to 1 year. To begin, click on "Enable," enter the amount you wish to lock stake, and select the timeframe. The interface will display your unlock date and time, as well as your return on investment (ROI) based on the current token price and APY. Click "Details" to see the current pool status.

To start Flexible Oscar staking, select the "Flexible Oscar" option and click "Enable." Enter the amount of $OSCAR you want to stake, and there's no need to lock it up.

The $OSCAR pools have an auto-compounding feature, so your rewards are reinvested automatically without needing to be harvested manually.

Increasing your staked position

To increase your locked staking position, click on the “Add Oscar” button. If you want to extend the duration of your current lock, click on “Extend”. When the lock period ends, you can remove your staked OSCAR by clicking on the minus sign button.

Single Sided Staking For Premier Stakers

It's a simple and efficient way to earn yield on your blue chip tokens. Oscarswap offers Single staking on their platform, allowing users to earn rewards in OSCAR tokens simply by staking a single asset. The APR and lock-up periods may vary based on the type of asset you choose to stake. By using Single staking on Oscarswap, you can earn significant rewards on your blue chip assets without having to worry about managing a complex portfolio.

To earn USDC, WETH, and/or WBTC on your OSCAR, you can simply stake your OSCAR tokens in the premier staking pools available. There is no lockup period for these pools. Just select the pool you want to deposit your OSCAR in, enter the amount you want to stake, and click "Stake". You can monitor your earnings in real-time, both in the token and its equivalent value in USD. Once you're ready to claim your earnings, click "Harvest" to either reinvest in the pool, LP in liquidity pools, or take profits. Note that there is no auto-compound function for the blue chip pools.

Oscar Protocol Fee

You can find information about the fees related to staking pools in the documentation.

Final thoughts

We have come to the end of our guide on single sided OSCAR staking for real yield. We trust that you found this tutorial useful and enlightening. Remember, Oscar Swap presents various alternatives for stakers to receive their proportional share of the fees generated by the platform. By staking your Oscar, you can earn a substantial yield on your staked Oscar, coupled with the potential price appreciation of the token.

Last updated