Oscar Swap (DEX)

Oscar Swap is a DEX that enables the trading of various pairs of cryptocurrencies through an automated market-making system. It operates on the Arbitrum network, allowing users to trade without relying on any centralized intermediary while keeping fees standard.

At Oscar Swap, the platform operates in a non-custodial manner to ensure that users have complete control over their funds. Trading on the exchange incurs fees, which are then distributed among $OSCAR stakers, incentivizing liquidity providers to provide adequate liquidity depth, resulting in the best possible prices for all users.

In short, Oscar swap offers a decentralized exchange with minimal trading fees for a diverse range of coin pairs while preserving user fund control. The exchange promotes liquidity provision by distributing trading fees and rewarding $OSCAR tokens, enabling users to obtain the most competitive prices on their trades while receiving full fee refunds.

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