Premier Exlusive Stakers

Stake $OSCAR tokens to earn rewards in $OSCAR and unlock Premier Status.

Who are Premier Stakers?

Premier Stakers" refers to a set of reward pools that offer significant incentives to users. Those who are committed to the platform for the long term can choose to lock up their $OSCAR tokens for a fixed period, which will result in higher rewards. Alternatively, users can choose to stake their tokens flexibly and accumulate more $OSCAR over time.

Lockup period:

  • No lockup (Adjustable)

  • 1 week

  • 4 weeks

  • 8 weeks

  • 16 weeks

  • 32 weeks

  • 654 weeks

The rewards increase with longer lockup periods.

It's worth mentioning that each time funds are deposited into the vault, the lockup period will start again.

Adjustable Stakers

Users with the opportunity to stake their $OSCAR tokens without a predefined lock-up period are known as "adjustable stakers." By staking your $OSCAR tokens, you can earn more $OSCAR. A 2% performance fee is added on top of all rewards, which are sent out immediately. You can significantly enhance your $OSCAR holdings by using this strategy!

Kindly note that if you choose to unstake your tokens within 3 days, there will be a 0.1% fee applied.

Last updated